I've just got a dishwasher because I can't bring my self to wash the pots after using the new dishwasher I want to wash it all again to make sure there's no residue of chemicals left 😫 I had to read the label didn't I.

I can't use bleach even in my toilet I can't clean with antibac wipes I can't even put petrol in my car I thought I would be able to do some things using gloves but nope I still have to wash my hands imeadiatly after 😭 my hands are really red and sore and i know I'm just making it worse but i cant stop I'm checking the seals on foods and drinks in case it's been poisond it's getting really ridiculous now and i dont know what to do nobody I know seems to understand and some have even laughed at me about it because I can't drink water from the kitchen tap our house was built in the 50s and has lead piping from the road coming into the house. I'm so concerned that I'm going to get poisond by something and because I'm breast feeding it's going to poison my baby and we are going to die I know alot of it is silly but to me its very real I don't know what to do someone please advise me this is a really crap situation right now 😔