Hey all, so I’m new to the site but been lurking a couple of weeks. Trying not to get to consumed with all this anxiety and negativity in my brain but it’s incredibly hard at times.

I’ve had anxiety since I was 12. I’m nOw 32. Had my 1st child at 19 and within 2 weeks of having her I developed dp/dr which, unfortunately, didn’t go away for about 6 years. It was horrific and insane how bad I got. The symptoms were intense at times and I developed panic attacks and agoraphobia.

I finally after 6 years got on citalopram and leveled out and mostly back to normal. The dr/dp faded to almost non existent except on the occasional high stress or in big crowds moments but even then totally manageable.

Fast forward I was perfect for about 7 years and stupid me tried getting off my medicine and am now into 7 weeks back on medicine and still dealing with the dr/dp which at times is insanely intense and freighting.

Just looking for someone with maybe a similar story of escaping dr/dp then getting it back and becoming stable again. I know deep down I’ll be fine but dang these symptoms suck!!