Vince Cable continues in his efforts to make the LibDems look even more ridiculous:

During a visit to Brussels on Thursday for talks with EU Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier, Sir Vince told the Telegraph: “As British society falls apart it could pose a risk to Strictly.”

It does make you wonder how the rest of the countries on planet earth come here for work.

The problems with the immigration service themselves are just that, a dept in need of a major kick up the backside.

Somehow though I doubt we will experience the society falling apart. It won't be mass rioting, Mad Max style road warriors, etc

---------- Post added at 02:36 ---------- Previous post was at 02:34 ----------

Quote Originally Posted by Pain View Post
Alan Amstrad – sorry – Lord Sugar said this week that if he’d taken the job of leading the Brexit debate for the remoaners then they would have won (no arrogance there, then!). He added that because he didn’t, he’d been “kicking himself” ever since. Well, I suppose that saves someone else from having to do it… Please form an orderly queue!
Reminiscent of any bloke walking away after an altercation saying (in safety) to his mate "If you had said one more thing I would have had him"

I wonder if Sugar would have ran it as one of his Apprentice exercises? Here's £1k, go and make me some money.

---------- Post added at 05:32 ---------- Previous post was at 02:36 ----------

Whilst on the subject of LibDems, or ex in this case, I heard Nick Clegg has picked up a role at Facebook. He should get on well with the owner given he's prone to political whining and blaming others.