Hi Phil, just wanted to let you know that I too have the "Omg I'm going mad / I'm about to lose control" thoughts too, seemingly for no reason. And I too choose to listen to relaxing audios when I'm feeling hyper anxious.
That's ok though. It's just how my anxiety presents itself - and obviously yours too. I have long periods of not feeling this way - years even - then occasionally my anxiety flares up and the thoughts / feelings start again and I completely forget that I've been here before and it will pass.
But it will pass. Just be kind to yourself, know that how you feel is normal and try (I know, it's hard) not to give ALL OF YOUR ATTENTION to these thoughts when they come. My instinct is to go lie down and really think about it - why do I feel like I'm going mad? Why is my brain doing this? But it's pointless and no fun, before you know it you've wasted hours panicking and feeling rotten.