I have never had health anxiety in my life, in fact i was extremely hard-headed when it came to seeing the doctor. I am a 31 year old, pretty healthy male whose last doctor visit was probably 10 years ago. This all changed when I had my son 4 months ago.

9 days ago, my wife and I were watching a show on netflix when i start to feel light-headed out of nowhere along with my pinky and middle finger twitching like crazy for 3 hours. I feel like I have had twitches before, but never in my fingers or to that extreme. I immediately opened google and searched (big mistake) and of course landed on ALS and Parkinson's. I started to freak out at the thought of having to leave my newborn son and wife behind and not having a chance to see my son grow up.
This past week I went to my primary care doctor. She did a bunch of blood work which all came back ok. Tuesday I felt awful so I went to the ER where they did an EKG, CAT scan, and some more blood work. All came back ok. Around this time i felt like my right forearm (the one with the twitching) felt swollen and tight. The twitching isn't nonstop, but it still happens every day.

Next, I went onto an ENT with the hope that my light hotheadedness was ear related. He said everything checked out and sent me to a neurologist.

I met with the neurologist this week and she told me I didn't have parkinson's or ALS because i was too young, this answer did not help at all as i know early onset can happen, although rare. She also found that my blood pressure drops upon standing. She gave me some compression socks and wants me to come back for an EMG in 6 weeks, but I can't mentally function like this for that long.

Sitting here today, 9 days later, i am still light-headed, my middle finger now twitches throughout the day, and my fingers feel slow even typing this. My forearm still feels extremely tight. I have also noticed twitches in my left shoulder and bicep, but not nearly as bad as my right middle finger. Today I feel like my lower calf muscles feel heavier to move and i am walking slower and I have had to force food down for the past week due to no appetite at all.

I burned through all my personal time last week and have to go back to work tomorrow, but I have no idea how i can possible get through it. I wake up at night and can't sleep, almost in tears because of the pure fear that I have right now. It is placing a huge burden on my wife, who along with our newborn son is at her breaking point. She will also now have to take me to and from work (45min-hour drive) every morning. My mother thankfully checks in and talks with me every day to help calm me down. I called my Dr and she put my on some hydroxyzine, but i just don't feel like it is helping.

I am a very analytical person, and always think through multiple strategies. I feel like no matter what, I am convinced i have one of these due to light-headedness, finger twitching, drop in blood pressure when standing, and forearm tightness.I am not sure how to get out of this rabbit hole since there is no definitive test to say yes/no you have this disease. I feel like i will be watching my symptoms and worrying about them getting worse for the rest of my life. I don't know how to make it stop! I am just not sure what to even do next as I am completely paralyzed by the fear?