I know this seems like another rabies post and I know how much people dislike these as I have read the sticky but I just wanted to get this out and see what people say.
A week/2 ago I was watching a show and came across a story about someone dying from rabies and I believe this is what triggered my fear. Earlier this week I was walking to uni when I saw some sort of fur on the ground it looked like an animal had been skinned or something so it was really strange. Then a day or 2 ago my mind thought what if the animal had rabies (e.g some bats in the uk) and I somehow got it on me. This has made me panic and now I am worried as also a few days ago I found a cut on the under side of my forearm and now with the already implanted fear of rabies I keep thinking what if it was an animal.
Again sorry for another rabies thread but just wanted to see if anyone could give me any information so I can try to stop worrying.
Also in the past few days I have had some small symptoms which I originally didnt associate to this worry but not its concerning me more since I have seen the symptoms of rabies e.g pins and needles, feeling like I have too much saliva in my mouth pain on the left side of my neck (lymph nodes?).