Hey everyone, I'm 18, in college, and like to play an online game. Its a horror game, so most people who play are around my age or older, but there are sometimes kids in middle school or around that age that occasionally play too (I have no idea why their parents let them, but oh well.) I was playing today and worked together in the game with this girl, who send me a friend request after and I accepted it. We talked as we played the game, and I mentioned that I would be leaving for Thanksgiving to go back home. She asked if I was in college and I said yes. Curious, because she sounded pretty young, I asked if she was in college too. From what she said, I gathered she was around 13/14, so probably middle school. After hearing this, I felt weird even talking to her, with her being so much younger than me. Now my POCD is freaking out (intrusive thoughts), and I'm wondering if I should even play anymore, because there might be kids playing it too. I don't know, is that weird?