Hello everyone really looking for some help and advice as I’m at my wits end

This started about a week ago , I woke up from my sleep abruptly at 4.30am , for a few seconds it felt like my brain was jammed or stuck and I panicked who am I where am I ? What’s going on

Anyway since then it’s allost as if I’ve been dropped into my body and I’m realising I’m alive for the first time . I’m constantly plagued by hyperawarenss if everything I do say and think like the whole concept of being real and thinking and here and seeing from my perspective is totally new . I’m really mentally fatigued I’m so tired all the time and just want a break from myself and my joints and feelings but the only break I get is the 5 or so hours sleep a night I get .

I’m taking Mitazapine and Quietapine (45 and 225) I’m tapering the quietapine down very slowly as my doc and a couple of other mental health people seem to think the quietapine enduced this . I’m 31 and I’ve never felt like this before

Has anyone else ever had this ? Tips and advice please I just want to go back to a normal life