So, since I was a teen I have suffered with health anxiety and have probably done it all in terms of catastrophising about serious illnesses. I overcame that in my midtwenties but now it's sort of back. I'm 32 now, and I've been in a state of depression and quite severe fluctuating anxiety over the past 12 months, worried about money, house problems, jobs, and more recently again, my health. It's affected my work, concentration, and now my family.

So far in my life, I've 'had';
Testicular cancer when I was 17
Heart disease when I was 20
Developing schizophrenia around 22
Numerous worries about blood pressure
Numerous worries about types of cancer
Obsessing over cuts and grazes turning into sepsis

A month ago I ended up in A&E because I was convinced I had a sinus CSF leak. I had two bouts of leakage after bending down during the day, and I was out of control with panic. Obviously nothing was wrong.

Last week I had some tummy troubles (I think I've had IBS for a while), and I've been googling Crohn's disease, Ulcerative Colitis, Stomach Ulcers.

Past week or so, I've been compiling evidence that I'm developing Motor Neuron. Over the past few weeks I've been dropping things more often (or I think I'm dropping things more often). So far I dropped a bottle in work which broke, an ipad slipped out of my hand, dropped car keys when I opened a door, dropped my deodorant this morning, and a phone flew out of my hand while I was doing my seatbelt.

On top of that I've been having a few achy legs now and again, and when i talk to strangers for the first time I sometimes get my words mixed up, not sure if that's just the anxiety though.....

I'm convinced this is probably Motor Neuron, even though there are various sources which say that depression, stress and anxiety can cause lapses in concentration.

I'm feeling extremely scared right now, and my partner is at her wits end with me for this non-stop worrying. She's adamant that this is once again my anxiety as I've jumped from CSF leak, to serious bowel disorders to now Motor Neuron in a short space of time. However I'm not sure.

Any advice? Bordering on going to the doctor tomorrow, but I've visited three times over the year due to anxiety and depression and think they will just fob me off as another case of health anxiety.