I've posted here a number of times about my continuing worry about my bowels. I have been completely focussed on my bowels for almost 2 and a half years now and I can't imagine ever getting back to normal.

Going to the toilet causes huge anxiety for me and I worry about the size, shape, colour, consistency, frequency every single time I go. Any small sensation in my stomach and I worry that I will have to go to the bathroom. It's got to the point that I try to have a bowel movement multiple times a day if I have even the tiniest sensation. Normally I can manage to pass a stool although usually quite small. Then I start to panic and think that i've gone too many times. I do have ibs and incomplete evacuation can be a part of it, I also have a prolapse, a rectocele, and I know that stool can get caught there but I still panic and find it really difficult to rationalise.

Don't know if anyone will be able to give me any reassurance but wanted to write it all down.