Quote Originally Posted by Buster70 View Post
Hi all , just caught up on this tread , Ive been struggling to get in the Christmas spirit while all the grinches around me are plonking mud on it , had to do the tree myself this year partner didn't want one , so yesterday I took a drive to the nature reserve where as mentioned above( thanks camr ) I always put some decorations on a tree and guess what ? Someone had started without me my Christmas spirit from last year was still alive and well , two baubles plus my two , lets see if anyone else joins in , it felt good that some complete stranger had carried on my idea , I've also put some on a tree in the woods I walk through each day , there wasn't even a path until I went through with a saw and golf club now people go that route.

Pulisa I still believe for every Dickhead there are two good people .

Favourite Christmas t shirt Ive see in the shops so far .

Decorating trees that you walk by is THE loveliest idea! I’m going to try & find one to do

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