Hey everyone, it's been a while since I've made a post here, but this past week I've really been struggling, it's been quite a while since my rabies fear has really been an issue and I'm just having trouble rationalizing my anxiety brain and I find reading what some of the "regulars" who post here have to say really helps me

So it all started earlier this week when I had a nightmare about my rabies fear, it started coming back into my mind a bit after that, but last night is when it became bad again, I work second shift in a shelter and my supervisor had asked me to go through the kitchen and remove expired food as we're getting a big order of new food next month. So it was about 10:30 pm and I was taking some bags of food to the dumpster, our shelter is quite literally in the middle of the woods and the garbage dumpster is at the bottom of our long driveway, so I brought the garbage down in a wagon and then went back into the building. About 15 minutes later I washed my hands after using the toilet and felt a stinging on my hand, I looked down and noticed two small cuts or sort of "pin prick" looking type things next to each other on my hand, since then I've of course been freaking out that somehow a bat bit my hand and thats where the marks came from, I've been trying to work through things logically, I didn't see any bats (but of course anxiety brain is saying "oh it was dark") and its the dead of winter and I live in the north so I'm not sure that bats are even active at this time (we do have bats in my area in the summer. but its around 20 degrees F most days so I'm guessing they're hibernating or have migraited?) I read the stickied thread again which helped a bit but my anxiety brain is so loud right now, any tips on silencing that part of me? I just keep looking at my hand and thinking how much it looks like a bite :(