Hi folks,

I have travelled (thousands of miles) to see family and doing my very best to put on a tough face. Christmas is a important time of year for my family who are going through a tough time in various ways.

4 days ago I started getting a pinching pain to the top left of my belly button (an inch to the left). The pain is intermittent, I can go a few hours just fine - and when it does hurt it’s just pinches for a few seconds on and off for a little while. I don’t feel bloated but I am belching more than normal. BMs seems normal (for me!).

I would normally be close to going to the doctor, but being away from home and in the holiday season it’s not really an option. I’m nowhere near a&e levels of pain.

Does this sound like IBS? Ulcer? It seems fairly localised to this one area although I am getting some other pains randomly (probably just over sensitive). Just looking to hear other experiences. I was hoping this would pass in a day or so, but 4 days in now and no sign of letting up.
