
So I'm on 2(ish) weeks on 75mg of Venlafaxine after tapering off prozac a week ago.

Although my mood has improved I am feeling pretty messed up side effect wise. Just want to ask if anyone has had these and if they settle as I am debating dropping the dose back down to 37.5mg/switching to something else or coming off them completely.

I have been getting:
- Raised resting heart rate
- High blood pressure
- Twitching in my nose other body parts
- Jerky movements
- Tingling in my face
- Disturbed sleep patterns (although settled a bit this week)

What has concerned me the most and brought me here is blurred vision.

It started today (after two weeks of not having it) felt like I was in a dream, my vision has not been sharp and has been hazy all day like out of focus.

I rang my doctor who said I should go for an eye test but this evening I was laying in bed looking at my phone for like an hour close up. When I got up to go get a drink I noticed my vision was very blurry and freaked me out can't read any text I could read before at a medium distance. Text close up seems out of focus and everything seems super fuzzy.

I put it down to a common side effect listed as "vision changes" though if it's blurred vision to ring your doctor straight away which I did but she didn't seem too worried though as it's worse this evening I am panicking it's a stroke or a brain bleed brought on by raised blood pressure.

Can anyone relate?