This might sound weird, but I feel like something is wrong with my stomach or liver or something. A quick background. I’m almost 21 years old. I’ve had health anxiety for a few years, also OCD. I’ve convinced myself I’ve had some pretty bizarre diseases, but this feels different. I’m also a new father so little sleep doesn’t help the stress lol. But basically the last 2 months I’ve had bad nausea and migraines (I’ve had migraines almost my whole life cause of a car crash, just recently got an MRI a month ago and it was negative). But two of those times I’ve been nauseous I’ve actually puked. I’ve never puked from a migraine before so it was weird. One of them woke me up while I was sleeping and I puked and felt better. I’ve also had a sore throat almost all winter, and some stomach pain. Sometimes it’s really sharp and intense, other times I have none. But a week ago I had an orange poop, like carrot orange, and no I didn’t eat anything orange. It kinda freaked me out, and it wasn’t diharrea either. Now today I had another slightest orange poop. It’s freaking me out, and I need some thoughts. I don’t eat the healthiest either which doesn’t help and I am getting better slowly and surely, but like I said none of this has ever happened before. I haven’t been seen by a stomach specialist but my head and brain are fine, my heart and lungs are fine, and my doctor says I’m healthy. I haven’t had any stomach or kidney/liver tests in like a year or so, so I think it’s sometning with that.

If you respond and read this, I want to thank you. You have no idea how much this helps me.