The economy doesn't give a damn how smart you are: What value can you bring?
Promotions are not all based on competency. If you're too good at your job you're sometimes better staying where you are.
Promote the one less competent who will appreciate the position and are more likely to stick around.
Why are many pensioners retired with absolutely nothing to their name?
Where's the examples out there showing the fruits of your labor?
Why do so many companies pay only a fraction above what the government says you have to by law. Can we not do better than this?
Your CV is not an accurate representation of intelligence or ability. It shows bloody dates and how potentially loyal you may be. Cold vetting sucks.
Once you get your foot in the door nobody cares about that degree anyway. Can you do the job? Perhaps just as well without a degree.
Most companies are not created out of a love for the industry. They see a gap in the market that may make a profit margin. Money to eat, sleep and retire.
Can't talk about money though it's taboo. Even though it's ultimately why just about everybody goes to work for a company.
The inside of this place is so cold and you expect me to be the warmest guy in the world to this customer?
The working class do all the real work. Hence the name. The upper class wouldn't last a day on the front line.
The workplace should have a culture of working with not working for.
Where's the top down loyalty? Does it even exist? I'll care about the company as much as you care about me. That's surely fair right?
I'm the perfect employee. I don't smoke. I don't drink. I've had no employment gaps. Right out of school straight into education. The perfect citizen.
I don't know the unwritten rules of this workplace. Can we write them out please?

Gimme a break.
