Hello there, I have read these forums many times but this is the first time I have posted and I'm a bit nervous so please excuse me if I ramble.

I have been diagnosed with health anxiety aswell as social and general anxiety for around 20 years now. I'm 41.

Recently (just before Christmas) I started with physical symptoms which my GP is telling me is anxiety however I am having a hard time believing her.

My entire body vibrates all the time. If I gently hold my top and bottom front teeth together I can feel the vibration through them (really freaks me out) My hands are shaking constantly all day every day (noticeable to the eye) and now and again my legs feel weak and shaky. My entire body moves with my heartbeat. I feel generally rubbish, tired and irritable.

I have had more blood tests than I can remember over the past couple of months (all fine) and my GP did a "neurological assessment" - lots of funny walks and finger moving etc. She said she isn't worried about any neurological factors and feels the problem is anxiety.

I think the problem is I have had anxiety in one form or another for a long time and it has never presented like this. I was anxious before Christmas and the only thing different was, in a determined bid not to ruin my kids Christmas I worked hard to surpress it. I had a period of quite strange depersonalisation (hope that's the right word) straight after Christmas where I felt nothing, completely (emotionally) numb. This has returned to normal somewhat but I wouldn't say totally.

Basically I just feel really scared of these physical symptoms, they are new and I'm just having a hard time believing anxiety could cause all this shaking and jittering and vibrating and palpating 24/7 for months even at times when I haven't felt anxious!

Hoping someone can offer advice, opinion or reassurance. I don't really like to talk to my family about it as they are a bit like - oh she's off again so which makes me feel stupid.

Thank you for reading and thank you in advance to anyone who takes the time to reply.

Shelley x