Hi everybody. Just looking for some advice as I'm struggling with depression and anxiety. I was put on 20mg of citalopram a few years ago and it worked wonders for me. Then a few months ago it just seemed to poop out so I was upped to 30mg and still didn't help so my doctor prescribed me mirtazipine 15mg and then 30mg alongside the citalopram, drop the citalopram to 20mg, and keep taking the mirtazapine. after being on the 30mg of mirt for over a month my mental health just seemed to get really bad. My anxiety had reached an all time high and my depression is the worst its ever been. I'm really not coping. My doctor decided that I should come off the mirtazipine so I'm currently taking 15mg now and stopping them next week. I still feel terrible. The plan is to up my citalopram to 40mg once I'm off the mirt......... I've reached a point where I can't force myself to go out I've had to cancel having my son this weekend which has really upset me and I'm worried my partner is struggling with all of this now. She's very supportive but I can tell its taking a toll on her now.

Has anyone had any success in increasing a dose of antidepressant.?
Is it normal for mirtazapine to make me feel that bad if its not right for me?
Has anyone dealt with something similar? Thanks guys