So I’ve been having this muscle issue in my right arm for well over 6 months now. It feels generally tired and sore/achy when I use it. Sometimes the pain is in my upper arm, then it move to he forearm and elbow. I went to my pcp. All my strength is there, so he sent me for a blood test. It was a general physical, B12, Ferratin and everything came back normal. 

I fear MS, it any biggest fear right now. Now I’ve been feeling this soreness in my right leg as well. Usually it’s the front part of my thigh, but sometimes I feel it behind the knees and calf too.

I know that the blood work coming back normal is a good thing, but how can I get over this fear of MS? I feel like since he blood work came back normal there is a greater chance of it being that??

I’m in such a rut now