As anyone ever had solar keratosis on their lips? I'm working very hard on not letting this worry me, but I think this might be what's going on with my lip now (and in the past). Since at least last summer, as soon as I'm in the sun for more than a few minutes, one spot on my upper lip will become sore, dry, and scaley. It then takes days to weeks for it to heal. It happened last summer, but the weather was awful so we were not out much. This summer it's already happened twice. I've always just kind of brushed it off as chapped lips/mild sunburn, but then a friend mentioned this when I was complaining about it since it's one specific spot.

I made an appointment to see my dermatologist on Monday. I know that even if it is this, it's not that big of a deal and can be treated... AND even if it did turn into squamous cell carcinoma that it could almost certainly STILL be treated, but of course, any wait for an appointment opens the door to those invasive thoughts.

I've worked extremely hard over the past year to get into an amazing place anxiety-wise and I won't let this throw me off the wagon, but I thought reaching out to you guys, getting some positive stories, and some good juju, may help me pass the next few days! Thanks!