So I've more or less been using this site more than anything this month haha.. one month ago exactly I had a row with my dad about money (I live with friends in the city and have been struggling financially). The day after I discovered I had an infection on my nail so I went to the docs as it was pretty severe and they put me on a fairly strong med. I immediately got loose bms* and it got to the point where it was cramping so bad that I HAD to stop. thankfully an oitment cream shifted the infection but I was still having bm* issues. I took an Imodium to calm things down which sent me into a bad constipation for almost a week with the worst hemerroid. Add in a relationship meltdown, a huge exam season and performances I had to do (I GET BAD STAGEFRIGHT) and I realised I was definitely under lots of stress all at once. I ate healthy to clear the constipation but once again I switched to d* ..on and off for 3 weeks now I have had a very bad gut..Ive had to chop milk, coffee, tomatoes, garlic, onion, meats, ANY fast food, name it. The only thing my body seems to like is bread and even after eating it along with couscous and crackers, I still go once a day and my bms* burn. 5 days ago it got to the point where Id start to eat proper meals again and my stomach felt weird and sick after 4 bites (maybe because its been so long since I ate 3 meals a day) and this got me into an even bigger panic. However, the last few days I've managed to eat whatever I fancy and still have an appetite but I'm still having horrible painful gas and d*. Every single day. Is this normal?
I went to the doctors today finally as I am so unbeliveably frustrated, I had something like this from Jan-June last year and when I moved to the city in september, I definitely had a sensitive gut but could tolerate any and everything I cooked/ate (Im talking spicies/fast food/coffees)... the doc told me Im not sick as I had no temperature and that it sounded like a very bad flare. Is this normal?!