hello everyone!
this is my first post ever on this thread, been a lurker for a long time because i have severe hypochondria. just for some background, i am an 18 year old girl with no pre-existing heart conditions that i am aware of. that being said,

today i was in the car with my parents, i had just finished a turkey + bacon wheat wrap with lettuce and tomato and i was feeling okay. all of a sudden, i started to feel really, really weird, almost lightheaded. i felt like i was losing control of myself and that i was going to suddenly black out of consciousness. we were driving on the highway and i usually get a little anxious being on the highway, but never this bad. my heart started POUNDING. really really hard. it was getting really hard to breathe. there was a huge rush, tingling in both my arms and hands. i told my parents about it and they started becoming worried about me. my mom gave me a drink because she thought it might've been because my blood sugar was low and when i ate, it spiked up. this happened about maybe an hour or two ago. i still get small attacks from time to time but nothing as intense.

i feel kind of weak and i get small shakes. i dont feel chest pain, but its this pounding, uncomfortable feeling like im not getting enough air. no nauseousness, maybe a little, but not much. i get really lightheaded and my legs get weak, i feel like im either about to pass out, or die.

i cant tell if i was having a small stroke, or a heart attack? or is this my first true panic attack? we had gone to the doctor, and i was feeling a little anxious there, but i dont think ive ever had a true panic attack before. it's scaring the HELL out of me, could someone please ease my mind? i may ask my mom to take me to the hospital just to check if anything is wrong. thank you so much in advance!