Quote Originally Posted by HA1989 View Post
Your symptoms sound so typical of anxiety, which unfortunately shares a lot of symptoms with the illness you are afraid of.

Something that caught my eye though in your post - you say the medication you are causes it in 0.1% of users.. this is the same as or even lower than that of the general population so I wouldn’t read too much into that
Well I might be off in my percentage but it's supposed to be very rare. Very rare until it hits you... And I've seen lots of people online who got neurological problems from it but yeah, I know, Google something and you'll find it but still... But I can't just stop taking it based on an assumption cause my inflammation will go up and I'll be in pain. If I do get MS though, then the only treatment for arthritis that works for me will be off the table so I'm pretty much f****d.

I know my symptoms are typical of anxiety during a crisis but I've never heard of such specific symptoms lingering for days and weeks even outside of panic episodes. It just doesn't feel right.

The GP told me MS presents with symptoms that are usually constant or at least last a few hours and affect a whole foot, leg or even en entire side of body. That intermittent tingles lasting for half a second that appear anywhere are not typical of MS. But my arm and leg feeling weak fits the bill I think? Since I had all my strenght during the exam she brushed that off. I feel about the same as when you bump your shoulder nerve against something and your arm gets weak. But all the time in my right arm.

Right leg feels weak too and gets tired faster than other leg. It feels wobbly.

So yeah I guess I'm crazy. Waiting for something to happen like falling down on the street or losing control of a limb so that I'll be taken seriously. I mean I WISH it's only psychological but it's hard to convince yourself of that when you have strange symptoms. Sometimes the dizziness is so pronounced that I can barely do anything that involves standing up and moving about.