Quote Originally Posted by MyNameIsTerry View Post
So, consider what you have learned from this thread:

1) avoidance. That GP wants to help you and you didn't go. Anxiety can make appointments scary or it can make (and I think some HAers do this more than other themes) the person feel they don't need to address something when feeling a bit better.

2) Researching things with a clear bias towards the worst stuff.

3) Not reading what you find properly. That NHS link states most are benign and you don't have all those (quite obvious) symptoms as you haven't been mentioning them on here.

4) Finding a criteria list and thinking it's easy to get diagnosed when most of that list points towards a specialist examining you and performing tests.

5) It's more likely something harmless and someone with more objectivity (thanks to Seymour) points to what you should have considering in the first place. And the reason you didn't? Your OCD.

I suggest you mention this to the therapist once you start. It's further evidence of your faulty thinking.
It's definitely that, I start thinking about rushing to the doctors when I'm panicking but if I stop worrying then I often put it off. I'll definitely go next Tuesday, my Dad said he would take me too.

Yep it's a benign condition but it's just the fact that these potential lumps can lead to cancer and I may not know I have them if they're in my body

And yeah, thanks to Seymour, now I'm convinced that it's just a fungal infection especially since it the skin sort of very mildly turns flaky like I'm scratching off a little dead skin, but I don't know because of how long I've had it