So I didn’t expect to get anxious tonight, but of course, that’s not the case.
Living in Arizona, it’s kind of a given that we get bugs in our house all the time. Spiders, roaches, gnats, moths, you name it. Even baby scorpions have managed to come into our house.
My family and I went to go see Toy Story 4 tonight (childhood fulfilled), and when we came home, there was a spider and a baby scorpion in our house (spider in the laundry room, baby scorpion in the hallway by our front door), and as you would assume, I was not pleased to see them LOL.
I’ve always had this fear of bugs, I think most people do, but because of the creatures we get in our house, it frightens me a little bit more because of the severity of some of them. One of my biggest fears is being bitten by a spider or scorpion, and then facing serious consequences because of those bites. Especially the fear of them biting me while I’m asleep (somehow getting in my bed).
Does anyone have any tips about this sort of thing? Because I’d appreciate it