hello everyone, first time poster here!
i was wondering if i could share my experiences and see if anyone has any advice please on how to cope.

I am going on holiday soon and already i am starting to feel panicky about it. I am very much a ‘what if?’ person where i worry about every possible scenario. My holiday anxiety is coming in waves, one minute i am quite looking forward to it and the next i suddenly get very panicky, tearful, racing heart and dread about going. i’ve had this before but once i am there i am usually ok. It happens most on the day of travel and at the airport etc. I feel a little bit out of control and i don’t know how best to handle it. last time i had to do everything in my power to get on the plane as i suddenly freaked out. I don’t have a fear of flying, but the whole holiday process worries me.

I am going with relatives so not on my own, but i am worrying about being worried! Does anyone else feel like this? sorry for the rambling! any advice would be great thank you.