Hi to all my fellow PTSD sufferers!

Sorry I didn't reply when this post was first created, as I was away from the site for awhile.

I also have what's known as complex PTSD. Complex PTSD occurs from several traumatic events over time. I won't go into too many details (due to privacy and triggers), but mine were a molestation, broken home, major car accident, and in 2014, I found the body of my best friend, which threw me into the worst bout of PTSD and anxiety I've ever experienced. After that, I went through some grief and trauma counseling, both individual and group, went on medication, and made some serious lifestyle changes and decisions, and I feel like I've come out on the other side of it. I still have bad days, here and there, but I feel good about myself again and hopeful for the future.

If any of you need to talk or need tips, please know that I'm here. Don't keep yourself and your troubles in isolation. A trouble shared is a trouble halved.
