Hi all,

Two months ago, I started to have night sweats: Waking up with a super sweaty neck and chest nearly every night. After a month, it went away. As the disappearance of symptoms coincided with discontinuing magnesium supplements, I assumed the magnesium had been the cause. However, this month, the night sweats have returned. Sometimes it's just a hot flush without sweating, but for the past week I have woken up each night due to a hot flush and/or sweats.

I had thorough blood tests a month before the first sweating episode, which showed all great results. I am a 49 year old woman, so could chalk this up to menopause. But as the hot flushes are nearly all in the middle of the night, I am not convinced. My health anxiety is again spiraling out of control, as I know what night sweats could indicate. Other than some digestive issues that I posted about earlier, and my terrible HA, I have no concerning symptoms.

Has anyone had similar episodes? I just want it all to go away! Thank you for any support you can offer.