If you see my previous posts I've had problems with withholding stool and depression and anxiety and eating.

I've been on stool softners for a month now and also eating physullim husk each day. Hubby is giving me multivitamin with minerals n iron etc as altho I am now eating solid food regularly I'm building up my calories while my tummy gets used to it. Currently on 1000 calories a day. Aside from husk i am having juice, oranges,brown bread,eggs, spinach, veg curry,bacon,crumpets,bhaja,cheese,whole milk,minimal chocolate and some chicken. Some is for protein and fibre but Some is to bulk out calories.

Lotsa water too.

I went today and did a long dark green ribbon stool. The texture was similar to my other stools but this thing was thin n 20cm long. I then did another one that was simlar. My stools before have been bulkier and normal shaped but looked like the one i did today but pressed together. This is poo looked like my normal poo but stretched out.

I'm scared as thin stool means bowel cancer.
