Hello again,

So after worrying about stomach pains and visiting my GP I have been somewhat reassured about that, but I’m now worrying about something else.

Does anyone else get period pains a week before they come on their period? I have PCOS but regular periods (as in every month, but not always on the exact date), but get period pains about a week before I come on. They last for a few days then I don’t seem to get any pains even when I’m on my period. I can’t remember when this started - I would say at least two years ago - and I hadn’t worried because I wasn’t experiencing health anxiety but now I am again I’m thinking of everything that could be wrong with me.

I’m 27, and my periods haven’t changed in heaviness for as long as I can remember. They’re quite heavy for one or two days then light for another two. I’ve also noticed clear mucus when I must be ovulating which I hadn’t noticed before.

I’m resisting googling but hoping someone can reassure me. I also have a GP appointment and I’m going to ask for a scan, I had one three years ago which was fine apart from a few cysts that showed PCOS.
