Hi everyone,
Have had a rough 15 months. Titrated up from 2.5mg to 20mg of citalopram (third time taking it) over those months, but it didn't lift my anxiety/depression this time.w
Crashed really badly mood-wise in June.....that's when I updosed from 10 to 20mg. Unfortunately the Cit started having some nasty gastric side effects.

Paid to see a private psych after gp told me to remedy the failure of cit by 'taking deep breaths and going out for long walks'....erm, not sure that's gonna help chronic diarrhoea.

Psych put me on 75mg extended release Venlafaxine. Been on it for 3 and a half weeks, def feeling some benefits, but still suffering a bit from straight switch/ heightened anxiety. Hoping this all gets better soon.