Hello all. This is my first post although I have been a "lurker" of this site for some time. I was diagnosed with generalized anxiety at the age of 5. I'm 38 now. I usually have my anxiety under control. However I have a health concern that I couldn't find much about on here and there is so much conflicting info online.
A few days ago I read a post on a community thread on Facebook about our towns water quality. Someone asked if anyone drinks the water in our town. Of course there were many responses. Someone posted a link to the water report. The report showed a slightly elevated level of radioactive particles in the water and there was a corrective violation put into place in 2018.
This didn't concern me too much as the level wasn't super high. What has caused me to go into a full blown state of panic is when I looked to see what these contaminants were. It listed radium. So I looked up dangers of radium and found information on radon gas. I'm 38 years old and I have never even heard of dangers of radon in homes. Most of what I'm seeing says that radon can cause lung cancer in areas where radon is higher. My family and I live in the house I grew up in. We use our whole house. Our basement is mostly finished except for the utility room at the back which contains the sump pump, washer and dryer. Our family room, my sons bedroom, our bedroom and a bathroom is all at basement level. My daughters bedroom is upstairs along with my parents who also live here. We have used this space for the better part of 8 years. I'm terrified that we may have been exposed to higher levels of radon and we didnt even know! I'm afraid that I've doomed my son to lung cancer when he is older! We have to live here for at least 3-4 more years. I'm not sure what do think or do. I know I should test the home (my family thinks I'm overreacting) but I'm scared to find out the results I'm so scared to even breathe the air our home now. I'm so scared for my children! The house was built in the 50s, we bought in 1986. My parents have lived here all that time and they have no respiratory issues.
I guess my reason fo posting is to ask if my fear is overblown? Has anyone else had any fears of this? or any information? I do apologize for the lengthy post. Thank you to those who take the time to read this.
