I'm 22 years old and started having bladder issues when I was 17. It felt like a UTI (frequency, urgency, general pelvic discomfort.. No burning though) and I was treated for one but the culture came back negative for bacteria. It then seemed to clean on its own but months later I had issues with frequency - my bladder would just seem to fill up when I hadn't had much liquid and I'd randomly need to go at inconvenient times.

Cut to now - I'm still having these issues but they come and go in 'flares.' I've just had a 'UTI' (wasn't.. No bacteria) so the worry had resurfaced. I've had bladder pressure for the past couple of days but that's gone now. On Friday, I ate a little bit of spicy food and had to urinate 4 times in an hour.

Sometimes I get 'UTI' symptoms but the dipstick shows clear. Other times (like my most recent one) it's positive for white blood cells so they give me antibiotics. I've never had a culture test positive for bacteria and I've had a couple of these over the years.

My doctor seems to think it's OAB but I don't have problems all of the time. I've been referred to a urologist but I still have another 9 or 10 weeks to wait.

I've been worried about bladder cancer for the past year and that worry gets worse whenever I have a flare.. I'm convinced it's a tumour causing the symptoms. I had a pelvic ultrasound for a cyst back in Dec 2018 and Jan 2019.. Could this have spotted a tumour?

I'm really worried as my symptoms massively affect my life when they come on and I have no idea what the cause could be. Has anyone experienced similar or have any ideas as to what the issue could be?