So, I've got a problem with one of my wisdom teeth coming through and went to the dentist last Friday because it was bleeding and aching a little. She had a quick look and said it was red and inflamed and I'd need antibiotics. I don't recall her saying anything about it being infected. Anyway, I was given 7 days of Metronidazole and I'm on my 5th day now and I'm scared it's not working. Although I'm not in pain, my tooth has a dull ache and when I pull my cheek back I can see the flap of gum/skin where the tooth is coming through and there looks like there is puss in there or something and when I poke a cotton bud by it it stinks.

I am always monitoring my pulse rate and I know that it increases when you have an infection and mine has gone up by about 10 bpm today and I feel a little warm so I'm freaking out that the infection has spread into my body. I saw my GP yesterday and she is excellent but she said it would smell because the infection has no oxygen where it is and I need to take the full course for it to get better. I called the dentist for a check up and they said they already checked me and to just take in antibiotics to clear it.

I'm just panicking because I'm scared that it's not getting better and that it's now in fact gone into my bloodstream. I'm going abroad in a couple of weeks and I dont want this hanging over my head I'm so worried.

I'm desperately tired because I've a baby that wakes multiple times a night and I know that won't help but I'm utterly terrified right now. I don't know what to do I just need some sensible advice please.