Hi all,

I'm new to this forum hoping I can find some sort of reassurance or someone who's dealt with this. So a bit of background. I'm a 27 year old guy, normal weight if not underweight, fairly active, and otherwise healthy. I've always had worries about my heart starting when I was a bit younger. I got racing heart and went to the ER where they diagnosed me with Right Bundle Branch Block and half of left. This was about 5 years ago and had the whole round of heart tests, echo, ecg, bloodwork, x-ray, stress test. All came back normal and they diagnosed the ecg abnormality as benign and something I was born with.

Fast forward to this September and I had an "episode" I think mostly attributed to anxiety and very bad acid reflux. However oddly sometimes when I eat certain foods or large meals it can trigger these odd symptoms that I get like I had lightheadedness, racing heart that wouldn't slow down for hours around 120+bpm, and palpitations. As well as a feeling of chest pain. It got so bad that I ended up going to the ER despite trying to wait it out for almost an entire day.

At the ER they did chest x-ray, ecg, and cardiac markers for blood work. All came back normal. They saw a palpitation or two and diagnosed those as PVCs. I started feeling better after I got fluids and electrolytes as well as a proton pump inhibitor and was sent home with a clean bill of health as far as they were concerned.

But since this weekend after going out with some friends and having a few too many drinks I've had palpitations about every 30 minutes. I don't usually ever get them so it has me sitting here like a disabled person wondering if I'm going to randomly drop dead . I also have some chest pain but think it's acid reflux as it comes and goes and had it in the ER too.

Other than the more frequent palpitations and a little chest pain I don't feel too bad other than being tired. I'm just so worried I'm going to randomly die from an arrhythmia I don't know what to do. I have a cardiologist appt next Monday but worried I can't wait until then.

Anyway thank you for taking the time to read this. Wish I was joining this community under better circumstances haha.