I’ve suffered with anxiety for a long time and know that palpitations are very normal for people like us but for the last few weeks mine have ramped up a lot I’ve been getting loads of them all the time and a keep doing isn’t feeling my pause everywhere I can find one. I get a weird flutter in my chest all the time. The palpitations are frustrating but what’s even worse is that sometimes when I feel my pulse I feel a small pause (not a long one at all) I know that’s bad but I can still feel it then my head goes in to over drive. Yesterday I went out with my mum and kids and didn’t have one palpitations. I also didn’t take any medication for it either. I went to see the gp she says it’s stress and I’m sure it is to but when your living through these types of things nothing can shake that feeling. How bad have your palpations been?? Any reassurance??? (I know I shouldn’t ask that) just need some kind advice.