I'm here again. I've tried very hard not to be, and I'm still, for the most part, doing reasonably well. A lot of stuff stresses me out these days-recently lost my grandad to a brain tumour, my mam was diagnosed last year with Leukaemia (she's in remission now and is doing really well) so I think that is, in part, why I'm getting anxious all over again.

So, I've started to notice some small red spots all over me. At first, I noticed a few on my chest. Just tiny little spots of red. They don't blanch. Then, I've noticed more and more, on my tummy, on my legs and arms. I know that I'm developing more of them because I have noticed a few in areas they definitely weren't there before.

I feel generally quite fine. A little bit sickly sometimes, here and there, but I can normally figure out what caused it. I've managed to ignore the red spots for a little while. I've convinced myself that if it was something to worry about, I'd also be feeling ill. But, the more I notice, the more I think there's something not right. They're not clustered like petechaie. I know what that looks like as my mam had it, and they don't look anything like it. They look very similar to cherry angiomas. If it were just a few, I'd be happy to say that was what they were. But why so many appearing so suddenly?

I've considered that it could be because I've recently been on holiday to Mexico. I got back mid-September. I noticed also that I'd had some odd paler patches of skin that became apparent when I was tanning. Could it be a fungal infection-like tinea versicolour/pityriasis versicolour? My skin isn't particularly itchy, it can sometimes be a little dry especially if I've got out of a hot shower.

I know it's not petechaie. I think it's cherry angiomas, but everything I've read about them says that the sudden appearance of many is something to go to the doctor about. Most of mine are completely flat. Some as small as just flecks. I don't know what they are or why they've come up. I've also noticed a couple of new moles/freckles. These aren't supposed to come up after the age of 30, apparently. Yet, here I am, here they are. I am over 30, and getting these moles/freckles. They don't change, seem pretty regular in size and shape and colour so I've always just ignored them.

I want to go the doctor just to see. But I also don't want him to think I'm ridiculous, worrying over small red spots.