HI All!

I am new here and sooooo very glad to have found this board. I have read nearly every post I think. I was wondering if any of you have the same array of symptoms I have. These include....


Urgent morning diarrhea

Chest pains (had ekg's, blood work ect. all fine) almost like heartburn sensation (burning) in the middle of my chest. Very strong pressure. Very upsetting and scary.

Rapid heart beat, like it is going to pound right out of my chest.

Nausea sometimes vomitting, usually in the morning. Got so bad at one point I actually took a pregnancy test, which of course was negative.

Waking up much earlier in the morning than I used to and very "shaky" feeling.

Trembling inside, shaky hands.


Tension headaches. Tight jaw with pain.

Depression: Just feel like this is such a hopeless disorder.

I also find myself thinking, maybe I have cancer, maybe I have heart disease, maybe this, maybe that. Afraid I am going to die and thinking death would be better than feeling like this.