Today I discovered the No panic Phone line on the NHS website. After I ended up needing another ambulance because my panic attack rendered me collapsed on the floor...... there was alot of build up...... and i had been unwell........ and 111 were absolutely spot on at perpetuating my health anxiety after i had telephoned them for an unrelated all know how the story ends, two paramedics me on a ecg shaking and quibbling in an adrenaline fuelled furore fighting and flighting my own brain if you please.....
HOWEVER regardless of my own experience that is not what this thread is about, I in the aftermath home alone feeling jaded and fed up with life and myself wanted to talk to a human being and my friends are aghast with the numbers of episodes of the same storyline. So i pondered on the idea of phoning the Samaritans (phone number '116 123' available 24/7 they are available for panic attacks and crises so please do not hesitate they are there to support you)
However i doubted myself as i didn't feel suicidal..... i kind of wanted someone to debrief how i was feeling, it was a horrible aftermath feeling so i went onto google for mental health helplines uk and it came up with an NHS page (which i have never seen before) and then it came up with a number for NO PANIC (phone number 0844 967 4848 available 10am - 10pm everyday). I phoned the number as i sat at the bottom of the garden and i spoke to a lovely man for about 20 minutes, he was very empathetic understanding totally understood my emotions and how i ended up in that state. He gave me some practical advice, offered to do a five minute breathing technique with me on the phone and was simple my new favourite human in the world, i found myself a human ally with no guilt attached. He said a couple of things which i personally really needed to hear to help to start to help myself, but again it was without judgement or prejudice and he made it very clear i can phone again and as frequent as i please as and when i needed support.
They also have an automated number where they have a prerecorded breathing exercise but i do not have that number to hand to share, apologies.

So i really hope this might help someone else as it did me and i definitely feel despite today's setback something very positive in the support sense came from it and I found it myself.
Best Wishes