Hello Everyone,

I know very well about the BEA in water and to safeguard when swimming in freshwater/ doing the Neti pot- but I have one more concern that I can’t seem to find the answer to anywhere...except
A small part of the cdc website that said it’s in soil too.

I garden a ton, and just a few days ago picked a strawberry and went to smell it to see if it was sweet. The soil it was sitting on was somewhat damp as I watered earlier that day. Instantly once I inhaled I smelled soil- that evening and the whole next day I felt a constant tickle in my nose... for about 15 hours then all of a sudden it just went away... aside from my normal post nasal drip I feel fine...

My question is- can bea be contracted this way? Through stirring up dust/ accidentally breathing it in.. etc? I try to wear a mask but seems like stuff still gets through...plus they are very uncomfortable for hours on end.

I know millions of people garden- wouldn’t you hear of more cases?