Quote Originally Posted by jray23 View Post
It all depends on how you define "more deadly".

If measured by total number of fatalities, the flu is over 100x more deadly than coronavirus.

If measured by percentage of people who die when they contract either virus, coronavirus is 35x more deadly than a typical flu, 7x more deadly than the aggressive strains of flu.

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We're only talking a couple of months into this. Until the data is compiled, the overall stats are yet to be determined. I stand by what I've been saying all along, I believe this virus has been around forever and mankind, while affected has survived. Science just hadn't advanced to the point to differentiate it from others until now. It's like the recently discovered (2007) type of encephalitis my wife had. Scientists speculate it's been around since mankind existed. The symptoms are nearly identical to what was deemed demonic possession in mid-evil times for goodness sakes and I can attest to her symptoms being that way. It was pure insanity! The resulting physical and cognitive deficits match several accounts of those in institutions and long term care facilities in more recent times.

Common sense people! Just like any other virus.

Positive thoughts