I went to my GP this week seeking help with my panic attacks and anxiety. I now have my name down for CBT which I'm happy with as I think it will help ,however she wanted to prescribe anti depressants which Im not happy with. Im not depressed just very anxious and stressed.

It makes me more anxious thinking that I have to take them (I think this may be the start of a health anxiety- not sure ?) I have diazepam for periods when my panic becomes unbarable (nght times) which I will take as a last resort.

I have some questions which Im hoping may be answered.

1. Can anxiety be caused by chemical imbalances how effective are antidepressants for panic attacks?

2.Do people recover from panic attacks and anxiety from the sole use of complimentary therapies?

I would be interested to hear about any one who has overcome their difficulties without the use of prescribed medication from their GP.
I more inclined to work with the complimentary therapies but Im wondering if im wasting my time
Thank you xx