Crosby Stills Nash & Young once proclaimed in the song Almost Cut My Hair... "I feel like letting my freak flag fly."

Well I haven't had a haircut in a while because of covid and my freak flag is starting to fly. It's getting pretty long. Fortunately at a couple of years past 50 I still have a full head of hair and not a lot of gray, Some around the temples and if you look close you can see a speckle here or there. It's only a matter of time though. But for now it's mostly least the hair on my head that is 😉.
Anyway what's your hair like during this crisis of no barber shops or hairdressers? Will you cut your own at some point? I heard there was a shortage of hair coloring in the stores The only haircut I know is a buzz cut. But I will do it if I have to. The bride says she won't allow it. Is your hair turning gray because of covid-19... Are your roots starting to show? What is your hair dilemma?
