The only good thing is that the suspicious node DOES seem flatter. If I were to take a photo of the side of my neck now, I doubt you'd see a lump - whereas if you remember from my original photo in this thread the lump was very evident.

I don't know if the node is actually flatter, though, or if that's just a skin thing. It still seems the same height and width and I don't understand why those dimensions would stay the same if it was getting flatter.

I'm just so confused and anxious. I can't work out what is rational and what isn't. I think, looking at the evidence as it is, it's not irrational to be worried about it. And I keep remembering all the times I was worried about things and my doctors wouldn't believe me but I was RIGHT - like when I thought I'd lose my second pregnancy, and when I thought there was more tissue left inside but they insisted there wasn't and the ultrasound had actually missed it, and when my mum had laryngospasm and they kept saying it was anxiety even though I KNEW it wasn't but they wouldn't listen until she eventually got diagnosed months later. I keep remembering all these occasions of doctors dismissing me when I knew something was wrong, and then I ended up being right and they weren't.

Idk what to think now.