Hello...so I am freaking out because I had some bleeding after a bout of diarrhea. Sometimes I will get diarrhea if I eat the wrong things and that happened last Thursday morning. Went to the bathroom 4 or 5 times seemed better so I went to bed with the heating pad on my stomach because I had some cramps. Woke up in the morning and went to the bathroom again and it looked like straight blood no diarrhea. I freaked out!!! Went to the emergency room did blood tests (all came out fine) also a fecal occult, which was also fine. I made an appt with a gastroenterologist for this Tuesday. I had a clean colonoscopy 4 years ago , and emergency room dr. felt no hemroids with his finger. I have eaten very little since this all happened because I am afraid of going to the bathroom and possibly seeing blood again. I have extreme health anxiety and this is ruining my life. Of course I have diagnosed myself with stage 4 cancer already and imagining my impending death!!! And that is not a joke😭