Hey everyone!

I've had this weird symptom the last 3 weeks roughly that I feel almost 24/7, but sometimes it passes for a short while.
It's as if my limbs feel weak and sluggish and maybe even slightly uncoordinated, but the thing is... they aren't....
My strength is normal, stamina normal, I can run and train without any problems.

I did feel a bit strange yesterday when I decided to do some shadowboxing (no, I'm not a martial artist, I was just figuring that it would be a good warm up considering I was training at home ;-) ). After a while my legs started to feel weak and a bit shaky and I started to feel a bit cold sweaty. It passed after a while. I feared that I might have diabetes or something, but reckon that, as i later felt better (the legs stopped feeling shaky, burning, etc) it can't be diabetes as that doesn't just disappear, right?
Also I haven't been feeling hungry or the need to pass water more than usual.

Could it be some kind of muscle tension?
Just this weird feeling that I don't really feel like myself. Heavy legs, heavy arms and I also feel a strange sensation in my teeth (!) .

Have been under a certain amount of stress lately with some illness in the family and of course this crap called Corona thats turned the whole of society upside down...