Sigh, just once I'd like to get normal blood test results. Seems like I always have something to be worried about.

This time my Gamma GT is elevated. It was 25 in September and has been at that level for a few years. Now it's 40 (normal is 10-35).

I don't drink much (maybe 1 glass of wine a week on average) but was drinking 2-3 glasses a week during March and April due to work stress. My GP says that might be enough to have increased it or it could be fatty liver, but we'll test again in 3 months.

She didn't say anything about my Bilirubin, but looking at the results I can see it's also been increasing over my past 4 blood tests. It's gone from 6 to 15 in 2 years (normal is 3-15).

I had my gallbladder out 8 years ago so I'm worried what could be causing these readings.