Quote Originally Posted by ankietyjoe View Post
The eating thing is incredibly significant. At this point I would even suggest having a couple of meal replacement shakes and an evening meal. Anything that's quick and easy to get the calories in. You can worry about the actual nutrition of your diet later.

I'm not sure I see the value in the schedule she has given you as (to me) you are the type of person who might self analyse if you 'fail' the tasks laid out for you. I'm just putting that out there as something that you might want to make a decision rather than be dictated to.

From everything you've said, my anxiety was at least as bad, if not a lot worse than yours (no, really). I never took medication and it's not 99% gone, so don't worry about having to take it. I knew all along it was not the route I wanted to go down.

And if you feel that I'm being flippant about how you feel, it's deliberate. It's the attitude that you need to learn about your anxiety too.

And once again Pulisa is right. One of the biggest issues here is the amount of time YOU are spending completely focused on anxiety. The only possible outcome of monitoring or assessing how your anxiety is, is additional anxiety. There is no immediate process to reverse this, but at least be mindful about the amount of time you spent hyper aware. Tell yourself it's ok to feel like crap and watch some TV at the same time.
I was considering shakes, but I ate quite well yesterday, so hoping I can continue that.

I'm purposely not being hard on myself with the schedule, I'm just seeing it as an ideal, not a set in stone stick to beat myself with, like I told her there was no way I would be able to eat first thing.

Going for my run in a minute, so hopefully that perks me up to have a bit of breakfast and it will go from there.

Seeing the symptoms and horrible feelings as insignificant really is the key isn't it. Something I think everyone struggles with. I've been trying to bring the other things in my life into play, but finding that hard as well, because nothing is enjoyable when you have to tolerate anxiety whilst doing them.