When I popped into my local Co-op store late afternoon today to pick up some grub for our evening meal tonight, I noticed on the front page of one of today's papers (can't remember exactly which one as I only caught a very quick glimpse of it from a distance), it said that UK holiday parks are having record bookings this year due to Europe being in the grip of COVID chaos.

Personally I think the powers that be acted too prematurely by letting people start to have holidays abroad again so soon, especially as we're still far from out of the woods as far as the CV pandemic is concerned, and people constantly toing and froing between different countries is still very much a recipe for a possible mass infection relapse IMO.

There are still plenty of great things and places to enjoy in this country, which could very well make a nice change from multiple trips to countries like Spain every year, which seems to have become a rite of passage for many over the past 30 years or so.

Any thoughts?