Hey again!
so, this is something I’m not super anxious about (a true shock to me) but I do still wanna ask for some experiences.

I’m currently having my period, however, before I started yesterday, I had noticed what feels like a little bump on my labia. I did totally freak out when I saw it, knowing of some stories of vulva cancer starting as a little bump, but today I’m mostly just curious. A bit awkward going into detail, but it’s a little bit above my labia minora, sort of in the creased bits. I have to prod around for a bit to find it, and it feels really small: if I sort of pull back the labia majora for a better view, I lose track of it and can’t find it as easily. It feels sort of under the skin, and if I press on it, it doesn’t feel hard or anything. I tried to look with a hand mirror for any sort of pimple or something as I’ve had a few pop up before, but I didn’t see anything noticeable? I do have some fordyce spots so I’m kind of wondering if one is swollen and just isn’t super visible/hasn’t come to a head yet? I don’t think I’ve had it long, or it’s just normal for my body and I didn’t notice. It doesn’t really hurt or itch, but I did definitely irritate it last night when I was checking it out. I plan to just keep an eye on it, and assume it’ll go down soon, but I’d appreciate any shared experiences or comforting words